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Product Career & Life Coaching


Careerfolk, where work and well-being converge…Bring your life's vision to fruition 

Career Transition Coaching  

If you have lost your sense of professional identity, purpose, or lost your job altogether, we can support you in this time of transition. We focus on helping you determine what’s keeping you stuck, and help direct you to the right path that leads you to where you want to be. We’ll identify your internal barriers, your personal values, what motivates you, and your overall personality and behavioral style so that we can build your short and long-term goals.

Wellness Coaching  

If you’re feeling burned out, stagnant, exhausted, not sleeping enough, and sense, your body may be telling you it’s time to make some changes to your daily habits and overall lifestyle.  Change is never easy, but often necessary. Wellness Coaching helps you tap into your motivation, or lack there of, so that you can face life's challenges with a healthier and more balanced physical state and mindset.  With wellness coaching you gain enhanced self-awareness, greater confidence, new positive habits and sustainable healthy daily routine including better diet, sleep, exercise and a fresh perspective on cultivating social relationships. 

You identify your goals, together we determine the agenda, and together we work through the agenda to achieve your goals. 


✓  Enhanced self-awareness

✓  Greater confidence

✓A more positive perspective of  yourself

✓Insights and skills on how to get out of the red-zone and into the blue zone when dealing with stressful situations.

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550.00 USD