Products & Services

Career & Life Coaching


Careerfolk, where work and well-being converge…Bring your life's vision to fruition 

Career Transition Coaching  

If you have lost your sense of professional identity, purpose, or lost your job altogether, we can support you in this time of transition. We focus on helping you determine what’s keeping you stuck, and help direct you to the right path that leads you to where you want to be. We’ll identify your internal barriers, your personal values, what motivates you, and your overall personality and behavioral style so that we can build your short and long-term goals.

Wellness Coaching  

If you’re feeling burned out, stagnant, exhausted, not sleeping enough, and sense, your body may be telling you it’s time to make some changes to your daily habits and overall lifestyle.  Change is never easy, but often necessary. Wellness Coaching helps you tap into your motivation, or lack there of, so that you can face life's challenges with a healthier and more balanced physical state and mindset.  With wellness coaching you gain enhanced self-awareness, greater confidence, new positive habits and sustainable healthy daily routine including better diet, sleep, exercise and a fresh perspective on cultivating social relationships. 

You identify your goals, together we determine the agenda, and together we work through the agenda to achieve your goals. 


✓  Enhanced self-awareness

✓  Greater confidence

✓A more positive perspective of  yourself

✓Insights and skills on how to get out of the red-zone and into the blue zone when dealing with stressful situations.

550.00 USD

Success @ Work, Executive and Leadership Development Coaching

If you have reached an impasse in your career, and you're struggling to see a clear vision for your career, this might be the package for you. 

No matter where you are in the organization, if you have the skills to advance, but for reasons unknown, you aren’t succeeding, you’re not happy, or you’re not showing up in a way that is comfortable, then it’s  time to learn the critical skills you need to be taken seriously by yourself and others at work. Leveraging cutting edge brain-based and positive psychology strategies and perspectives, we strive to help our clients deepen their self-awareness, gain the clarity they seek and address the range of issues that might be impeding your ability to envision your career as you desire it to be. Topics that are often addressed  but by no means limited to :

Executive Presence: A focus on understanding and cultivating the self-awareness around the qualities you need to feel confident to inspire confidence amongst  your colleagues, team, managers and senior leaders. 

Imposter syndrome-When you don’t believe you have the capacity to succeed, manage or lead.

Career Advancement: Others don’t recognize your value or leadership potential and you want to change that.

Passed over for Promotion: Is it time to start figuring out what’s getting in your way?

Leading when introverted: You’ve been promoted to a leadership position but as an introvert, it’s very daunting to step into this new role, and you need support to adjust.

Discrimination: Identifying and learning to manage the unconscious biases that exist for women, people of color, people with disabilities and other "-isms" in our society. 



✓  Enhanced self-awareness

✓  Greater confidence

✓A more positive perspective of  yourself

✓ Concrete strategies to help you address both subtle and blatant forms of discrimination in the workplace. 

✓Insights and skills on how to get out of the red-zone and into the blue zone when dealing with stressful situations.


Please note, the initial "deposit" is for the initial 90- minute session. The follow-up monthly payments will  be scheduled shortly after this session, before our 3 monthly sessions. Thank you for your payment. 

Initial 90-min Intake of
325.00 USD
2295.00 USD
split into 3 payments of 765.00 USD every 30 days

Jumpstart Your Job Search for Mid to Senior Professionals

The Job Search is less of a search and more of a self-promotion process that requires a proactive and targeted strategy. We’ll conduct a comprehensive gap-analysis to assess what’s missing, determine clear and realistic job targets and outline the key steps to land your ideal job.

We offer: 

  • Structured job search methodology to identify job leads and target companies.
  • Indepth motivated skills analysis
  • Resume Review
  • Personal Marketing Plan
  • Networking strategy & Action Plan
  • Social Media Strategy & Action Plan
  • Career & Skills Assessments
  • Interview Strategies & Coaching
  • Salary Negotiation practice


✓A more efficient and pro-active job search strategy.

✓Motivated skills and strengths identification

✓Confidence and insight on how to leverage your professional network

✓Increased motivation.

✓Greater facility using LinkedIn and other social media tools to advance your job search.

✓Increased sense of hope and a clear direction forward.

✓Increased confidence to convey your worth and sell yourself.

✓In-depth interview analysis and feedback.

3000.00 USD

Jumpstart Your Job Search for Mid to Senior Professionals

The Job Search is less of a search and more of a self-promotion process that requires a proactive and targeted strategy. We’ll conduct a comprehensive gap-analysis to assess what’s missing, determine clear and realistic job targets and outline the key steps to land your ideal job.

We offer: 

  • Structured job search methodology to identify job leads and target companies.
  • Indepth motivated skills analysis
  • Resume Review
  • Personal Marketing Plan
  • Networking strategy & Action Plan
  • Social Media Strategy & Action Plan
  • Career & Skills Assessments
  • Interview Strategies & Coaching
  • Salary Negotiation practice


✓A more efficient and pro-active job search strategy.

✓Motivated skills and strengths identification

✓Confidence and insight on how to leverage your professional network

✓Increased motivation.

✓Greater facility using LinkedIn and other social media tools to advance your job search.

✓Increased sense of hope and a clear direction forward.

✓Increased confidence to convey your worth and sell yourself.

✓In-depth interview analysis and feedback.

3100.00 USD
split into 4 payments of 775.00 USD every 30 days

60-Day Career Coaching Package

You will find this package contains what you need to get your career moving forward. You will meet with your coach online or in person for 5 sessions over a 60-day period and get coaching on your career obstacles.

You will have access to our library of resources to use throughout your coaching period. In between sessions, you will also have access to your coach by email. 

1375.00 USD

Leadership Development, Executive & Work Success Coaching - 3 month/2 hours

No matter where you are in the organization, if you have the skills to advance, but for reasons unknown, you aren’t succeeding, you’re not happy, or you’re not showing up in a way that is comfortable, then it’s time to learn the critical skills you need to be taken seriously by yourself and others at work. Leveraging cutting edge strategies from brain-based research and positive psychology, we strive to help our clients deepen their self-awareness and address issues such as:

  • Imposter syndrome-when you don’t believe you have the capacity to succeed, manage or lead others.
  • Others don’t recognize your value or leadership potential and you want to change that.
  • You’ve been passed over for a promotion, and you don’t understand why.
  • You’re been promoted to a leadership position but as an introvert/woman/ person of color, and it’s very daunting to step into this new role, and you need support to adjust.


✓  Enhanced self-awareness

✓  Greater confidence

✓  Insights and skills on how to get out of the flight-fight-freeze zone and into a flow-flourish zone when dealing with stressful situations.

✓  Identify steps to accomplish key goals


550.00 USD
every 30 days until canceled

Career Exploration and Launch for College Grads - Full

Our comprehensive career exploration and launch package is for a young person within 5 years of graduation. The package includes a comprehensive battery of assessments as well as in depth coaching to  help you determine who you are, the best career options and how to get there.

We help you identify the internal barriers, your personal values, motivated skills, personality and behavioral style. Then we package it up into branded marketing documents, create a compelling, concise and ATS-optimized resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile, while also learning the power of networking and a proactive job search approach.

Partial list of exercises and assessments:

  • Personality & Behavior Style (MBTI & DISC)
  • Your Stories Exercise
  • Values Inventory
  • Interests (Strong Interest Inventory)
  • Internal Barriers assessment
  • Professional & Life Goals


✓Increased sense of confidence, self-awareness, and a clearer direction forward.

✓Greater insight into strengths, interests, values, personality style and ideal work environment.

✓Enhanced understanding of career/job/skills fit to include a working list of career paths and roles to be explored.

✓Networking & informational interview action plan.

✓ Branded and ATS-optimized resume

✓ Strategic cover letter writing approach and examples

✓ Job Search Action Plan

✓10 hours of coaching over 4 months (or as discussed)

2750.00 USD

Career Exploration and Launch for College Grads - Full

Our comprehensive career exploration and launch package is for a young person within 5 years of graduation. The package includes a comprehensive battery of assessments as well as in depth coaching to  help you determine who you are, the best career options and how to get there.

We help you identify the internal barriers, your personal values, motivated skills, personality and behavioral style. Then we package it up into branded marketing documents, create a compelling, concise and ATS-optimized resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile, while also learning the power of networking and a proactive job search approach.

Partial list of exercises and assessments:

  • Personality & Behavior Style (MBTI & DISC)
  • Your Stories Exercise
  • Values Inventory
  • Interests (Strong Interest Inventory)
  • Internal Barriers assessment
  • Professional & Life Goals


✓Increased sense of confidence, self-awareness, and a clearer direction forward.

✓Greater insight into strengths, interests, values, personality style and ideal work environment.

✓Enhanced understanding of career/job/skills fit to include a working list of career paths and roles to be explored.

✓Networking & informational interview action plan.

✓ Branded and ATS-optimized resume

✓ Strategic cover letter writing approach and examples

✓ Job Search Action Plan

✓10 hours of coaching over 4 months (or as discussed)

2900.00 USD
split into 4 payments of 725.00 USD every 30 days

Career Pivot & Recalibration Package

Our comprehensive career exploration and change package includes an array of assessments as well as in depth coaching to  help you determine what’s keeping you stuck, where you want to go, and the right path to get you there.

We help you identify the internal barriers, your personal values, motivated skills, personality and behavioral style and  translate them into concrete  short and long-term goals.  Let us help you achieve the changes you wish to see in your professional life.

Partial list of  assessments:

  • Personality & Behavior Style (MBTI & DISC)
  • Your Stories Exercise
  • Values Inventory
  • Interests (Strong Interest Inventory)
  • Internal Barriers assessment
  • Professional & Life Goals


✓Increased sense of hope and a clear direction forward.

✓A greater understanding of career/ job/ skills fit.

✓Greater insight into strengths, interests, values, personality style and ideal work environment.

✓A working list of career paths and roles to be tested. (List may evolve during the coaching process)

✓Networking & informational interview action plan.

✓ LinkedIn & Resume review

✓ Short and long-term goals

✓ Career Action Plan

2885.00 USD

Career Pivot & Recalibration Package

Our comprehensive career exploration and change package includes an array of assessments as well as in depth coaching to  help you determine what’s keeping you stuck, where you want to go, and the right path to get you there.

We help you identify the internal barriers, your personal values, motivated skills, personality and behavioral style and  translate them into concrete  short and long-term goals.  Let us help you achieve the changes you wish to see in your professional life.

Partial list of  assessments:

  • Personality & Behavior Style (MBTI & DISC)
  • Your Stories Exercise
  • Values Inventory
  • Interests (Strong Interest Inventory)
  • Internal Barriers assessment
  • Professional & Life Goals


✓Increased sense of hope and a clear direction forward.

✓A greater understanding of career/ job/ skills fit.

✓Greater insight into strengths, interests, values, personality style and ideal work environment.

✓A working list of career paths and roles to be tested. (List may evolve during the coaching process)

✓Networking & informational interview action plan.

✓ LinkedIn & Resume review

✓ Short and long-term goals

✓ Career Action Plan

2996.00 USD
split into 4 payments of 749.00 USD every 30 days

What's Next? Package

Sit down with us, whether virtually or in person, and take advantage of this special offer. If you are trying to figure out where to go next and need a fresh perspective on your career options, let's brainstorm ideas. Stop struggling or procrastinating with this decision and get help today with this 2 hour session!

625.00 USD

1 hr Resume Critique

This package is ideal if you need to take your existing resume and brush the dust off and learn what your resume needs to stand out in the crowd. We will give you an honest, tough love, feedback to ensure that it meets current requirements and is properly optimized so that you can be found in the valleys of the applicant-tracking systems.

275.00 USD

2 hr Resume Review and Interview Prep

This package is ideal if you need to take your existing resume and brush the dust off and learn what your resume needs to stand out in the crowd. Plus time with you to prepare for your next interview.

500.00 USD

5 Hr Career Coaching Package

You will find this package contains what you need to get your career moving forward. You will meet with your coach online or in person for 5 sessions over a 60-day period and get coaching on your career obstacles.

You will have access to our library of resources to use throughout your coaching period. In between sessions, you will also have access to your coach by email. 

1375.00 USD

3 Hr Career Coaching Package

You will find this package contains what you need to get your career moving forward. You will meet with your coach online or in person for 3 sessions over a 60-day period and get coaching on your career obstacles.

You will have access to our library of resources to use throughout your coaching period. In between sessions, you will also have access to your coach by email. 

850.00 USD

Career Review and Tune Up

This tune-up is just for you if you need guidance on where to focus the majority of your time and resources for your career or job search. This purchase includes a 90-minute session plus access to our learning center. 

425.00 USD

60-Min Get Going Laser-Focused Session with Donna

During this 60-min, laser-focused strategy session, Donna will help you focus on where you are stuck in your career or job search and help you determine the best strategies you can use to move forward.

300.00 USD

Live a Better, Healthier, Stress-Free Life | Career, Health and Wellness Coaching Package

The goal of this package is to help you make transformational change in your personal or professional life.  Our work together will help you make the desired changes in your life, by cultivating self-awareness, confidence, and positive, healthy habits. We will address the obstacles or challenges that manifest in your life or work and determine strategies to eliminate the barriers.


Whether it’s imposter syndrome, self-limiting beliefs, or sabotaging behaviors that impact your quality of life or success and confidence at work, together we will determine your goals and co-create strategies to overcome the barriers to your success. 

500.00 USD
every 30 days until canceled

Live a Better, Healthier, Stress-Free Life | Career, Health and Wellness Coaching Package

The goal of this package is to help you make transformational change in your personal or professional life.  Our work together will help you make the desired changes in your life, by cultivating self-awareness, confidence, and positive, healthy habits. We will address the obstacles or challenges that manifest in your life or work and determine strategies to eliminate the barriers.


Whether it’s imposter syndrome, self-limiting beliefs, or sabotaging behaviors that impact your quality of life or success and confidence at work, together we will determine your goals and co-create strategies to overcome the barriers to your success. 

675.00 USD
every 30 days until canceled

Career Management and Wellness Coaching | Weekly30

No matter where you are in the organization, if you have the skills to advance, but you aren’t succeeding, you’re not happy, or you’re not showing up in a way that is  authentic or effective, then it’s time to learn the critical skills you need to be taken seriously by yourself and others at work. Leveraging strategies from brain-based research and positive psychology, we strive to help our clients deepen their self-awareness and address issues such as:

  • Executive Presence/ Leadership Development: A focus on cultivating self-awareness around qualities needed to feel confidently inspire trust amongst your team, managers & leaders.
  • Imposter syndrome: When you don’t believe you have the capacity to succeed, manage or lead.
  • Career Advancement: Others don’t recognize your value or leadership potential and you want to change that.
  • Passed over for Promotion: Figure out what’s getting in your way.
  • Introverted Leaders: You’ve been promoted to a leadership position but struggling to step into this new role.
  • Discrimination: Identifying and learning to manage unconscious biases that exist for women, people of color, people with disabilities and other"-isms" common in the workplace.
  • Burnout: Work has worn you down. How do I get out of this cycle?
  • Career Exploration/ Job Change: You’re ready to make a change. Let ’s dive in.


1100.00 USD

Career Development Coaching | Weekly60

No matter where you are in the organization, if you have the skills to advance, but you aren’t succeeding, you’re not happy, or you’re not showing up in a way that is  authentic or effective, then it’s time to learn the critical skills you need to be taken seriously by yourself and others at work. Leveraging strategies from brain-based research and positive psychology, we strive to help our clients deepen their self-awareness and address issues such as:

  • Executive Presence/ Leadership Development: A focus on cultivating self-awareness around qualities needed to feel confidently inspire trust amongst your team, managers & leaders.
  • Imposter syndrome: When you don’t believe you have the capacity to succeed, manage or lead.
  • Career Advancement: Others don’t recognize your value or leadership potential and you want to change that.
  • Passed over for Promotion: Figure out what’s getting in your way.
  • Introverted Leaders: You’ve been promoted to a leadership position but struggling to step into this new role.
  • Discrimination: Identifying and learning to manage unconscious biases that exist for women, people of color, people with disabilities and other"-isms" common in the workplace.
  • Burnout: Work has worn you down. How do I get out of this cycle?
  • Career Exploration/ Job Change: You’re ready to make a change. Let ’s dive in.


975.00 USD
every month until canceled

Career Management and Wellness Coaching | BiWeekly60

No matter where you are in the organization, if you have the skills to advance, but you aren’t succeeding, you’re not happy, or you’re not showing up in a way that is  authentic or effective, then it’s time to learn the critical skills you need to be taken seriously by yourself and others at work. Leveraging strategies from brain-based research and positive psychology, we strive to help our clients deepen their self-awareness and address issues such as:

  • Executive Presence/ Leadership Development: A focus on cultivating self-awareness around qualities needed to feel confidently inspire trust amongst your team, managers & leaders.
  • Imposter syndrome: When you don’t believe you have the capacity to succeed, manage or lead.
  • Career Advancement: Others don’t recognize your value or leadership potential and you want to change that.
  • Passed over for Promotion: Figure out what’s getting in your way.
  • Introverted Leaders: You’ve been promoted to a leadership position but struggling to step into this new role.
  • Discrimination: Identifying and learning to manage unconscious biases that exist for women, people of color, people with disabilities and other"-isms" common in the workplace.
  • Burnout: Work has worn you down. How do I get out of this cycle?
  • Career Exploration/ Job Change: You’re ready to make a change. Let ’s dive in.


475.00 USD
every month until canceled