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Product Success @ Work, Executive and Leadership Development Coaching

If you have reached an impasse in your career, and you're struggling to see a clear vision for your career, this might be the package for you. 

No matter where you are in the organization, if you have the skills to advance, but for reasons unknown, you aren’t succeeding, you’re not happy, or you’re not showing up in a way that is comfortable, then it’s  time to learn the critical skills you need to be taken seriously by yourself and others at work. Leveraging cutting edge brain-based and positive psychology strategies and perspectives, we strive to help our clients deepen their self-awareness, gain the clarity they seek and address the range of issues that might be impeding your ability to envision your career as you desire it to be. Topics that are often addressed  but by no means limited to :

Executive Presence: A focus on understanding and cultivating the self-awareness around the qualities you need to feel confident to inspire confidence amongst  your colleagues, team, managers and senior leaders. 

Imposter syndrome-When you don’t believe you have the capacity to succeed, manage or lead.

Career Advancement: Others don’t recognize your value or leadership potential and you want to change that.

Passed over for Promotion: Is it time to start figuring out what’s getting in your way?

Leading when introverted: You’ve been promoted to a leadership position but as an introvert, it’s very daunting to step into this new role, and you need support to adjust.

Discrimination: Identifying and learning to manage the unconscious biases that exist for women, people of color, people with disabilities and other "-isms" in our society. 



✓  Enhanced self-awareness

✓  Greater confidence

✓A more positive perspective of  yourself

✓ Concrete strategies to help you address both subtle and blatant forms of discrimination in the workplace. 

✓Insights and skills on how to get out of the red-zone and into the blue zone when dealing with stressful situations.


Please note, the initial "deposit" is for the initial 90- minute session. The follow-up monthly payments will  be scheduled shortly after this session, before our 3 monthly sessions. Thank you for your payment. 

Payment structure 325.00 USD Initial 90-min Intake then 2295.00 USD split into 3 payments of 765 USD every 30 days starting 09/07/2024

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Initial 90-min Intake of 325.00 USD