It's April 1st!  Don't be fooled into thinking a solitary job search is a good idea.  Join our club and hop on tonight's call at 8PM.

Job Search Accountability Club logo

Last week, I was chatting with a client who is an avid bike rider and he was so excited for Spring to arrive so he could get outside and ride again.  The challenges of his job search combined with not being able to enjoy his greatest stress release were a heavy load to bear.   Our talk reminded me about a post I wrote many years ago about the similarities between job search and learning to ride a bike.  I wrote about goal setting, seeking help from an expert (which I did, at the age of 29, to help me learn to ride a bike), and accountability.  Once the secret is out and you've shared your goals with others around you, you are significantly more likely to achieve those goals.  

You don't need to go it alone and, in fact, you shouldn't.  Job searching in this economy is not easy and having access to a group that will help keep you accountable, includes helpful advice from an expert, and removes the solitary from the search is a great tool to have.  

Please join us tonight for our bi-monthly job search accountability club meeting.  Registration info may be found here:


To read my post about getting back on the bike and how it relates to your job search, you can read it here:

Happy Spring,

Donna & The Careerfolk Team