Greetings and a happy new year to you!
In the northern hemisphere, we are wearing our woolies and experiencing the coldest weather in a very long time. If you are in Australia, I hear it's quite the opposite! Sacre bleue! But enough about the weather (even though that is what on our minds this week) as long as you are warm, we know that you have other pressing issues weighing on your mind.
For many of us, a new year signifies a new list of expectations or goals and a renewed motivation. But it may also come with some anxieties about how to achieve these goals and maintain that motivation over time. Yesterday I learned that the first Monday of the year is called “Blue Monday” – It’s almost one week since the beginning of the year and you haven’t got around to addressing your goals, or maybe you are returning to a job that is really making you unhappy. Of course, the miserable weather doesn't help. It is clear that this is a high-pressure time for a lot of us. New year anxieties stem from trying to live up to the ideals we set for ourselves with resolutions and goals and then reality sets in. You may wonder how you can possibly achieve it all.
It is human nature to want to shed the self-defeating habits and actualize our goals in a new year but when confronted with the fact that we are the same people with the same resources and barriers, this can be difficult without help, specifically when it comes to your job search. Well, that’s where we come in. Our Careerfolk team has been busy cooking up a couple of new programs for the new year and we are very excited about launching our first group- the Job Search Accountability Club.
Fact: There is an “84% success rate when job-search techniques are conducted in groups, compared with a 15% lower rate when the same techniques are followed individually. Richard Nelson Bolles, author “What Color is Your Parachute?”
This statistic demonstrates the power of being accountable to a group for achieving a desired outcome. If the desired outcome is a new job, our bi-monthly job search accountability group is a cost-effective user driven program that takes away the solitary aspect of the search and puts a bit of fun in the process. This group is for you if you’re looking to re-invigorate your search efforts, gain clarity about what you are looking for, and uncover where you are stuck. By transforming the solitary into the social, both the process and its’ results will unburden you of any “holding patterns” preventing you from achieving success.
While we are busy planning our programs for the year, we’re so excited about our new Job Search Accountability Club, that even though we are still finalizing all the details, we wanted you to know about it ASAP. This group will begin in the coming weeks and will meet virtually, twice a month to help you achieve your goals. It’s going to be straight forward, live, job search discussion, Q & A and support to keep you in check, getting you the help you need, to land the job you want quicker and with less pain. Email us at if you want to learn more or reserve a spot. Space will be limited.
We want to help you scale mountains {in your career search} this year. We hope you’ll join us!
Here’s to your success in 2014.
Very WARM wishes (to those in the northern hemisphere)
and COOL breezes (to all my friends in the southern part of the universe!
Donna & The Careerfolk Team